Time To Ramble ... the Richardson Haunted?

I imagine it's safe to say no one I know reads my blog, shit, I'm not even sure anyone reads this. And you know what,  that's ok. With that being said, I'm going all honest and upfront about the haunting of the Richardson and why I didn't pressure the RCC into having an investigation.

Now, do I think the place is haunted?  Given the history of the place, being an old psych hospital with patients living and dying there for just under 100 years. Add in the abuse that happened there (trust me, it happened), the lobotomies,  the unwanted electroshock  (although it does happen today, back when it first came out, it was pretty horrific for the patients) and add the emotional trials the patients went threw...It's the perfect place for a haunting.

I've had a  few personal experiences in the buildings. From a door shutting in front of me (there was no airflow in that section of the building) to hearing phantom footsteps when I was the only person in the building. I've also seen objects being moved and also seen them in different places when coming back. From my personal experiences, yes, it's haunted.

When talking to some of the actual staff (construction workers and security) they told of more physical and visual experiences. I have never brought up to them about my interest in the paranormal, it came out it casual conversation.  I heard of stories about seeing shadow people hanging out inside when no one was in the building. One person had his/her hardhat pushed off by unseen hands shortly after hearing a child call out for its mother.

The later of these stories worried me a little. So I brought it up to the RCC, just so they would know.  I figured it was best since  one of the spirits had been physical with someone. Unfortunately, I was asked to stop volunteering there. Mind you, I was helping out with tours since 2011, this happen in 2016.

I was upset, not because of the haunting, but because I've spent so much helping just to be tossed aside because of what I believe. :-(

As for me trying to have an actual investigation there, or bringing a team with me doing it...that's a big hell no! I've come to not trust a damn soul in the WNY paranormal field. Like I said, I actually volunteered within the building for a few years, helping with tours.  I loved doing that, and if they want me back, they wouldn't have to ask me twice. But supposed friends had no time to visit me there?

As for the paranormal,  I've all since gave up trying with anyone in the field. Why? Because none of my so called "para family" took the time to come take a tour. At least while I was there. Which honestly,  makes no sense. Tours have been going on there since 2011 but yet no one had time?!? There's no excuse for that, especially if you're interested in the building and your suppose to a friend of mine. Why not support my endeavors after I supported yours? That's what friends do, right? And people wonder why I actually hate..well, people. Lol

So, yeah. That's my take on the Richardson and the paranormal. Take it or leave it, it is what it is. I know its short, were you expecting a book? :-P


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