Annual Report of the Buffalo State Hospital for 1910

I'm a little bored here, so I figured I would go through the annual reports that I have saved on my computer. I'm still on the hunt as to where they put the "unwanted" patients. Hopefully it'll give some clues. I'm going to add some spinets of it here. :-)

From annual report from September 1909 to September 1910: 

                                                "Autopsies were performed in all cases where permission could be obtained and                                                 on the cases dying without friends or relatives. The whole number for the year was                                               62 or 43.6 per cent of the number of deaths."

Some of the entertainment they had that year, which is nice: 

Vaudeville -- The Hensells.
Masquerade ball for patients.
Buffalo Film Exchange - moving pictures.
Patients' dances (fortnightly),
Entertainment --Edward Avis, bird mimie. 
Young Men's Club of St. John's Church. 
Concert -- Mrs. Fowler and company. 
YMCA orchestra
Entertainment --MR. Sheehan
Stereopticon --A O Wilson
Concert -- Miss Von Liebig.
Special musical service --East Sunday
Concert -- Miss Agnes Mynter.
Entertainment -- Miss Christie.
Operette "Sylvia", by Ionian Club (Mrs. Gould, complimentary).
Entertainment on Ward 13, by Mrs. Cooke (manager), Mrs. Davidson and Miss Prentice.
Musical entertainment by Jerome W. Scheffer. 
Vauderville -- Mrs. Nairn
Chalk talk -- Mr. George Little
Entertainment -- Burdette Edgett.


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