
Showing posts from April, 2017

No date; 1894; More on George Felton

As Published in the Jamestown News: CRUELTY IN ASYLUMS "The fate of George Felton," says the Jamestown News, "the cruel murder of which he was the victim, while an inmate of the Buffalo Insane Asylum, demands that there should be a thorough and searching investigation into the conduct, not along of that institution, but of all the Insane asylums in the State." It is merely an assumption of the News that the case of Felton, whose death occurred at the Buffalo hospital on October 9th last, was a "cruel murder," for the inquiry into the demise of the patient has not yet been conducted, but it will be (cant read this word)  nobody of if to found finally that Felton was filled. (It's very hard to read this paper)  Insaquestionable (no idea)  there is brutality practiced in most of the so called hospitals for the insane, and the News suggestion of a searching investigation is timely.

January 27, 1894 - George Felton Skull

As published in the Press:  A MADMAN'S SKULL IN COURT Evidence That George Felton Was Abused Before His Death. BUFFALO, Jan 26 - The State Commission in Lunacy resumed its investigations into the death of George Felton at the State Insane Hospital this morning. Felton, it is alleged, died from brutal treatment at the hands of hospital attendants last October. The sensation of the trail was the production in court of the deceased man's skull, which has been exhumed in order that the jaws might be examined to settle a discrepancy in evidence. The hospital doctors had sword that Felton's teeth were pulled out by himself. (How does one do that? Without proper equipment?) Coroner Bowers and other witnesses were positive that the teeth had been broken off and the roots still adhered in the sockets, justifying their charges of maltreatment. Felton's aged father, on the stand today, reiterated this statement, adding, with flashing eye: "I'm trying to find out ...

August 9, 1967 - Wouldn't keep Buthy

As published in the Courier Express:  Admitted Several Times Father says Hospital Wouldn't Keep Buthy By DOMINICK MERLE The Rev. Denes Buthy told of weekend binges, emotional outbursts, a broken home and a near-fatal overdone of pills in tracing the past troubled years in the life of his son, Dennis, 23. But the Hungarian-born cleric, speaking haltingly in broken English, always returned to a single, belated plea: "If only he would have been kept (at the hospital), then this girl, who I pray will recover." On three or four occasions since Feb. 12, Dennis, now being held for first-degree assault in the brutal attack of a college coed aboard a downtown elevator, attempted unsuccessfully to be admitted to Buffalo State Hospital for psychiatric treatment. "My son wanted help," the cleric said, "They (hospital officials) admitted that he was a psycopath, and admitted that he was dangerous, but refused to take him. This is what hurts me." Dr....

August 23, 1894...With A Hatchet

As published in the Buffalo Evening News:  FIRST EDITION  WITH A HATCHET. Robert N McKee's Reason Left Him Last Bight and He Threatened His Wife's Life. WAS LOCKED IN HER ROOM Mrs. McKee Told Capt. Martin She Was Afraid of Her Life Wile Her Husband Had A Bad Spell, and He Was Committed to the Buffalo State Hospital Robert N McKee of 399 Plymouth Avenue was committed to the Buffalo State Hospital late last night on the certificate of Drs. Dwyer and Constantine, who have decided that he is crazy and unsafe to be at large. Mr. Robert N McKee was at one time quite wealthy and he and his family are well connected socially. McKee has been ill for several months. He has met with financial reverses and his troubles have shattered his reason. He attempted to strike his wife the day before yesterday. Mrs McKee visited the Police Court Tuesday afternoon and swore out a warrant for the arrest of her husband for assaulting her. Judge King issued the warrant and...

August 16, 1926..Confined 18 Years

As published in the Buffalo Evening News: CONFINED 18 YEARS; NOW ASKS $200,000 North Tonawanda Man Alleges He Was Detained "Unlawfully, Maliciously, Wrongly."  Suit to recover $200,00 for damages which he says he suffered by reason of 18 years confinement in the Buffalo State Hospital for the Insane, was begun Saturday by Owen J. Doudy of 354 Schenk Street, North Tonawanda. Complaints in the action have been served. The Complaint alleges that the defendants "willfully, maliciously and wrongfully caused the plaintiff's detention in the Buffalo State Hospital for many years, to the plaintiff's damages in the sum of $200,000." The defendants named in the action are not all living. Two of them, Michael Collins and George Fisher, have been dead for more than a year. The others are A.F. Premus, a former city attorney; John F. Ryan, a former police chief; William J. Nellis, commissioner of charities; the International Railway and the New York Central Railw...

January 9, 1968

As Published in the Buffalo Courier-Express:  Negligence Charged $1000,000 Sought In Hospital Death A $100,000 negligence suit against New York State involving a woman who claims her son was beaten to death while a mental patient at Buffalo State Hospital was heard in the Buffalo District Court of Claims Money. Judge Ronald E Coleman reserved decision in the case, after attorneys for Mrs. Magdalena Frischolz, 81, of 45 Webster Ave., presented testimony charging that Howard Heusinger, her son by an earlier marriage, was murdered by another inmate Aug 28, 1964. (Before the Strozzi building was even thought over) The claim against the state alleges negligence on the part of hospital authorities for allowing Heusinger to be placed near the other patient and "permitting" him to be "assauted, beaten and murdered." Patient Escaped Hospital authorities reported Monday that the patient with Heusinger at the time of his death, escaped from the hospital Nov 11, 196...

August 25, 1914..Bailey Clue Ends in Death

As published in the New York Times: BAILEY CLUE ENDS IN DEATH. Buffalo Woman, Who Confessed Murder, A Poison Victim. Special to The New York Times. FREEPORT, L. I., - According to a verified report, received here today, Mrs. Helen Hanley, sometimes known as Mrs. Mary Cohen, who said in Buffalo three weeks ago that she killed Mrs. Louise Bailey in the office of Dr. Edwin Carman here on June 30, died this morning in the Buffalo State Hospital. Death was due to bichloride of mercury poisoning. The woman took the poison about the time she made her confession of the murder, but said nothing of it, and the cause of her illness was not discovered until some time after she had been sent to the State Hospital for the Insane at Niagara Falls. She was Stella Hodge, who three years ago confessed to the murder of a citizen of Warren, Penn. John M Andrews was tried twice for that crime, and was acquitted. Newton said that the woman's story was not credited generally, but it proved valua...

March 17, 1894 - Resuming Investigation

As published in the Oswego Daily Palladium: Saturday, March 17, 1894 Resumed Their Investigation BUFFALO, March 17 - The state commissioners in lunacy resumed their protracted inquiry into the cause of death of George Felton, an inmate at the state hospital. At the proceeding session testimony had been reduced to show that attendant Clifford knew something about the affair. Between that day and this an affidavit was received by Dr. McDonald from Clifford, in which he swore to entire ignorance of the affair. On the stand Clifford admitted that he had made the affidavit at the instigation of Keeper Killen, who went with him to the notary public. Under the searching cease examination of Judge McMahon the witness became very nervous, twisting his hands and shifting in his seat incessantly.

January 6, 1894..Felton's Murder

As published in the Evening Journal;  Jamestown, NY,  Saturday, January 6, 1894. FELTON'S MURDER. INVESTIGATION AT THE BUFFALO STATE HOSPITAL By the Commission on Lunacy - The Case Reviewed- Testimony Given Corroborates That Obtained at the Coroner's Inquest. BUFFALO, Jan. 6. - The state commission appointed to further inquire into the circumstances attending the death of George Felton, late of Poland, Chautauqua County, convened Friday at the Buffalo state hospital. Deputy Attorney General McMahon conducted the investigation and on behalf of the state lunacy commissioners, which was represented by Dr. C. E. F. McDonald. George Felton died at the state hospital Oct 9, 1893, and it was alleged that his death was due to injuries inflicted by a brutal attendant at the hospital. An autopsy was performed by Post Mortem Examiner Hewitt, assisted by Drs Mafinger (sp?) and Kidder. Dr. Hewitt's certificate, it is claimed, did not show the true exte...

Time To Ramble ... the Richardson Haunted?

I imagine it's safe to say no one I know reads my blog, shit, I'm not even sure anyone reads this. And you know what,  that's ok. With that being said, I'm going all honest and upfront about the haunting of the Richardson and why I didn't pressure the RCC into having an investigation. Now, do I think the place is haunted?  Given the history of the place, being an old psych hospital with patients living and dying there for just under 100 years. Add in the abuse that happened there (trust me, it happened), the lobotomies,  the unwanted electroshock  (although it does happen today, back when it first came out, it was pretty horrific for the patients) and add the emotional trials the patients went threw...It's the perfect place for a haunting. I've had a  few personal experiences in the buildings. From a door shutting in front of me (there was no airflow in that section of the building) to hearing phantom footsteps when I was the only person in the buildin...

More George Felton info

This was published  in the Buffalo Courier on Tuesday, August 29, 1893.  If unable to read:  George Felton of Bemus Point, aged 50 years, will be examined as to his mental condition as he is acting very strangely and assaulted his wife August 28. Here's a link to his grave site on  George's Grave on Find A Grave . If you're unable to click on link (or you just don't feel like it) 

Buffalo State Hospital Cemetery

I'm really excited!! YAY! I may have found where the unwanted patients at the Buffalo State Hospital for the Insane may have been buried. At first I thought they were under the Buffalo State College's football field, but its not. It's not to far from there, though. I think it's best I wait to published where it is until I make sure that it's where it is. Due to it being on City owned property and it's surround by fence. Be sure to check back for updates. (For whoever reads this and who is interested.) All I can say is....I'm totally excited!!! They will be found!! You wont be forgotten!! Woo Hoo!!!

Old Pics of The Buffalo State Hospital

From 1916  These pics and screen shots were taken from the 1910 thru 1916 Annual Reports for the Buffalo State hospital

Elmwood Building for the Buffalo State Hospital

This is the building that had the morgue in it. Not sure as to where in the building. The morgue use to be in building 45 (the towers building), in the basement.

Annual Report of the Buffalo State Hospital for 1910

I'm a little bored here, so I figured I would go through the annual reports that I have saved on my computer. I'm still on the hunt as to where they put the "unwanted" patients. Hopefully it'll give some clues. I'm going to add some spinets of it here. :-) From annual report from September 1909 to September 1910:                                                  "Autopsies were performed in all cases where permission could be obtained and                                                 on the cases dying without friends or relatives. The whole number for the year was                                               62 or 43.6 pe...

November 17, 1892 - Warsaw Man Insane

As published in the New York Times:  A Prominent Warsaw Man Insane.  Warsaw, NY, Nov. 16 - Fred F Bartlett, who inherited property of considerable value and which has gradually slipped out of his hands, was sent to the Buffalo State Hospital this morning, having been pronounced insane. On Monday last he sent a letter to the Rev. Joseph E Nassau of the Presbyterian Church in the village demanding $15,000 forthwith as compensation for the damage he had done him for defamation of character, and in case of refusal he threatened to shoot the minister. (what?) The letter was intercepted by Bartlett's friends, and the Sheriff took him into custody. An examination by physicians resulted in pronouncing him insane.

George Felton

I don't know why didn't think about this years ago, but I requested the transcripts for the court proceeding for his case. I know it came out as a "No Bill", but there should more info as to why. It's like, he was basically beaten to death by someone's hands, and no one got in trouble. As far as I could see, no one did jail time for his death. They claimed he fell off a chair, but how in hell can someone break a few ribs and fracture their breastbone by falling off a chair. Hopefully there will more info in the paperwork at the court office.  And hopefully I can access to it. The poor guy suffered by someone douchebags hand. I will get to the bottom of it!! I can do this!!

August 4, 1894

As published in the New York Times:  Dr. Judson B Andrews.  Dr. Judson B Andrews, Superintendent of the Buffalo State Hospital for the Insane, died last evening, as a result of a gradual decline in health extending over a period of two years. He has been in charge of the asylum since it was opened, in 1880, and was a pioneer in instituting new and enlightened methods of treatment for the insane. (Sure he did) He was ex-President of the Erie County Medical Society, a founder (I imagine its suppose to founding)  member and ex-President of the New-York State Medical Association , and President of the section of psychological medicine and nervous disease of the ninth International Medical Congress held in Washington in 1887. In 1892 he was elected President of the American Medico-Psychological Association. He was a frequent contributor of papers to medical societies and journals. For many years he was Assistant Superintendent of the State Insane Asylum at Utica, and f...

December 19, 1905 "Dead" Sister?

As published in the New York Times:  "DEAD" SISTER APPEARS. Another Surprise in Middletown Triple Murder Case.   Special to The New York Times.  MIDDLETOWN, NY, Dec. 18 - A surprise was sprung today in Orange County Surrogate's Court in proceedings involving the estate of Frederick Olney, who, with his brother and Alice Ingerick, was murdered on Oct 6 last. When Frederick Olney was murdered the only known living relative was a nephew, Frederick Olney, Jr., living on an adjoining farm. (Weird how he's a junior )   The latter was appointed administrator of the estate of his uncle. Shortly after George Olney, claiming to be another nephew, came on the scene, and brought an action to remove Frederick Olney as administrator. Each nephew avers that the other has no legal claim to the property, which is valued at $6,000. At the Surrogate's hearing today the surprise lay in the fact that attorneys were present representing Mrs Mary O Noble, a sister of the murdere...

June 25, 1908 Scalding Water

As published in the Warren Times Mirror (Warren, PA) Thanks to Mark Saglian for sharing this with me. :-) WAS PUT INTO BATH OF SCALDING WATER Inmate of Buffalo State Insane Asylum Was Killed by Another Inmate BUFFALO, June 25 - Albert Davis, 70, residence unknown, is dead at the State Insane Asylum here from the affects of a bath in scalding water administered by another inmate of the institution. In his report Medical Examiner Dansai says another crazy (well)  patient ushered the old man up to the new attendant who did not know the rules (great training, smh) and told him the old man needed a bath. The attendant took it for granted that all was right and told the patient whom, he supposed to be in the meid interval, to go ahead with the old man's bath. The crazy fellow gleefully led the old man to the bathroom and sprayed him with scalding hot water. The body was scalding all over. What the bloody hell? Who the hell trained that attendant? Or did that attendant do the deed ...

September 3, 1903 Strangled by Strait Jacket

As published in the New York Times:  Strangled by a Strait-Jacket BUFFALO, Sept 2. - John Kalf, Forty-five years old, a patient at the Buffalo State Hospital, died today of strangulation. Kalf became violent, and was placed in a strait-jacket. His struggles in the jacket worked one of the straps tightly about his neck. With his hands strapped to his sides, he was unable to help himself, and strangled. You could drive a truck threw the holes in this story. And, of course, did they look into this? I highly doubt it. What a crying shame. The poor guy died that way. Any bet that someone actually strangled the guy? 

March 27, 1892..Edward Field

As published in the New York Times FIELD IN BUFFALO ASYLUM DR. ANDREWS EXPECTS TO SPEND SEVERAL MONTHS ON HIS CASE BUFFALO, NY, March 26 - Edward M Field is now an inmate of the Buffalo State Hospital. (Edward's company went bankrupt, and he was accused of making it so. He was known to have mental health issues while growing up.)  He arrived today in charge of Deputy Sheriffs Burke and Saxton, Dr. Henry M Field, and Cyrus W Field, Jr. (Cyrus is Edward's brother). He took breakfast and diner in one of the wards for the insane. He was received as a regular patient, and was soon left by the officers of the law and his relatives in custody of Dr. Andrews. "He is behaving all right," said one of the hospital physicians to THE TIME'S correspondent, but I won't say a word about his mental condition. I don't care to discuss the question as to whether he appears sane or insane. No reporters will be allowed to see the patient. There will be no special inqui...

Excerpt From the 6th Annual Report for the State Commission in Lunacy

***side note before I type up this article. All of these articles can be found online. All the New York Times articles can be found in the New York Archives website. The annual report can be found in Google Books. I figure I would do this, 1...its easier for me to read, and 2....why keep this stuff all to myself ***** 6th Annual Report of the State Commission in Lunacy. Dated 5/14/1895 Chapter 11 Buffalo State Hospital In the early part of the year, a patient named George E Felton met his death by violence in the Buffalo State Hospital. The circumstances surrounding the death of this patient were such as to lead his relatives and friends to believe that an unjustifiable homicide had been committed, and they therefore demanded that a through inquiry into the facts attending Felton's death to be had. The hospital managers, by resolution, requested the commission to make an investigation of the charges, which it proceeded to do, and under the direction of the Attorne...

May 27, 1894 (More about George Felton)

Published in the New York Times ATTENDANT CLIFFORD SUSPENDED  Another Story if Alleged Cruelty at the Buffalo State Hospital. BUFFALO, N.Y., May 26.- John F. Clifford, an attendant at the Buffalo State Hospital, has been suspended by the Board of Managers pending the action of Acting District Attorney Kendrick in the Felton case. Clifford is the man whom Attendant Mahoney swore to have seen in Killen's company just before Felton was assaulted. Mahoney swore before the State Lunacy Commission that Killen went into the next ward and got Clifford that they came back together, and shortly after he heard Felton crying: "Boys, what have I done?" Mrs. Jacob Loeb has a sad story to tell regarding the treatment of her son Fred at the hospital. He was confined in July. When taken to the hospital he was a tall, powerfully-built young man, whose mind has been unhinged by misfortune. A few days after his incarceration he was confined to his bed, where he remained in a deplora...

March 18, 1894 (More on George Felton)

As printed in the New York Times:  SAYS OTHERS WERE WORSE THAN HE. Attendant Killeen Wants to Tell of Brutality in Buffalo State Hospital.  BUFFALO, N.Y., March 17. - Attendant Michael Kileen declared today that he can, if the State Commission in Lunacy orders him to do so, reveal a terrible state of affairs in the Buffalo State Hospital. Irritated beyond endurance by the fact that his colleagues in the asylum are seeking to put on him all the blame for Patient Felton's death, he suddenly arose during the investigation and exclaimed: "I wish the Commissioners would widen the scope of this investigation. I could then show that Flanagan, Maloney, and the other attendants who have attacked me did things a great deal worse than I did." "What do you mean?" demanded Judge McMahon. "If this was a general investigation I might say a great deal more," replied Killeen. "Do you mean to say that you know of cases where patients have been maltreat...

March 4, 1894 More about George Felton

Published in the New York Times Will Be Punished For Perjury.  Witnesses in Buffalo Hospital Investigation Scored by Corner Tucker.  BUFFALO, N.Y., March 3. - Coroner Tucker, who conducted the inquest into the death of the patient Felton at the Buffalo State Hospital, will try to have the doctors and attendants of that institution indicted for perjury. (Woo hoo) The evidence brought out of the investigation by the State Lunacy Commission is so widely different from that given at the inquest, the result of which was so unsatisfactory, that he considers himself justified in taking such a step. (I like this guy) The Coroner said today: "When the State Board of Lunacy concludes its labor, I shall take my innings and lay testimony before the Grand Jury. I will not allow any person, even though he be the Superintendent of an institution like the Buffalo State Hospital, to lie to me in the manner which the officials of the Buffalo State Hospital did." (Drama!! Thank god someo...

March 3, 1894 - To Excited To Testify

Published in the New York Times Clifford Too Excited to Testify Buffalo, NY, March 2 -  The State Commission in Lunacy continued its investigation into the death of George Felton at the State Hospital today. (YAY!)  Attendant Clifford, who is charged with complicity in causing his death, was examined privately. He was greatly excited, (maybe due to he was guilty?) and Deputy Attorney General McMahon said he would not be put on the stand while in his present state of mind. (I'm shaking my head here.)  Attendant Richard Leahy testified that on the day Felton died he said that Attendant Killeen and another man had inflicted his injuries. The day after Felton died Killeen and Clifford were seen in close conversation. (That could mean anything, really)  That same day witness heard Killeen tell Mahoney, another attendant, that Felton wouldn't bother him again. (Now, that is interesting. Wonder why he said that. What did Felton do to Mahoney? Did he have issues with a pa...

December 24th, 1893

Published in the New York Times Telegraphic Brevities.  --The State Commission in Lunacy had decided, after correspondence with the District Attorney of Erie County, N.Y., and an examination of the testimony taken at the coroner's inquest, to begin an investigation into the circumstances of the death of George Felton, late a patient in the Buffalo State Hospital. At least someone was trying. Didn't really work out for the Felton family. :(

August 20, 1893 Sadie is Sane

Published in the New York Times  Sadie McMullen Is Sane Buffalo, Aug, 19 - Sadie McMullen, the Akron (N.Y.) murderess, (No wonder why she went into hiding, why the title)  has been released from the Buffalo State Hospital. (Not sure what book said that Sadie committed suicide, but the Author should reread that last sentence.) About 9 o'clock on the night of Nov. 1, 1890 (It was on October 31st, 1890) she threw Ella May Conners, aged eleven, and Delia Brown, aged sex, from the New-York Central trestle bridge which spans Murder Creek, in Akron, down to the ground, seventy feet below. Ella Connors was instantly killed and Delia Brown was permanently injured. Then the murderess attempted suicide by drowning, but was rescued. Miss McMullen was indicted and arraigned on the charge of murder, the trial opening on the morning of March 5, 1891, and lasting until the night of the 7th, when the jury returned a verdict of acquittal on the grounds of insanity. Superintendent A...

October 11, 1893 - Insane Patient Killed

Published in the New York Times (my comments are in bold) Insane Patient Killed at Buffalo Buffalo, N.Y. , Oct 10 - George E Felton died at the Buffalo State Hospital yesterday. The Coroner reports that the man met death at the hands of brutal attendants. (The douchebags struck again) His injuries consisted of a fracture of the breasbone, (spelled like that in the article, I'm assuming it's his breastbone. Seriously, WTF though) a frtacture of the ribs (fracture is spelled wrong in the article. Cant make this shit up if I tried, lol) and internal hemorrhage. The hospital authorities say Felton was making a good deal of noise, and one of the attendants tried to force him into a room. Felton resisted and a struggle followed, in which they say Felton fell from a chair on his head. He was removed to the hospital, and died some hours later. Ok, remember that first article I posted? Ironically, after searching a little more, those two idiots haven't been named in the case....

March 19, 1881

This is a follow up to the last post The Buffalo Insane Asylum The New York Times, March 19, 1881 Buffalo, N.Y, March 18. - The Assembly sub-committee appointed to investigate the charges of abuse at the State Insane Asylum arrived here and was in session today. (Thank god they're at least looking into it) The testimony of Dr. Andrews was taken, and a visit made to the asylum. (I wonder what they'll find, eye roll) All the evidence given before Dr. Ordoronaux's investigation will be reviewed, as the members of the committee express themselves determined to get at the bottom facts of the case. Nothing really came of the case, honestly. This case is the first of many. I plan on posting what I find on here. But, its a sad reality. 

February 7th, 1881 - Brutes in an Insane Asylum

As printed in the New York Times on 02/07/1881: (my notes are in bold) BRUTES IN AN INSANE ASYLUM A Story of Cruelty From the State Asylum of Buffalo  Buffalo, NY - Feb 6 A story of terrible cruelties practiced upon patients at the new State Insane Asylum here has been mad public today, for which Frank P Churchhill, of this city, formerly a keeper, is responsible. (The hospital open for patients in December of 1880, at the time of this article, the hospital has only been open a few months.) He claims to have resigned on account of these practices, and says they were carried on by two men named Jones and McMichael, whom Dr. Andrews, Medical Superintendent, brought with him from Utica. (Dr. Andrews transferred from the Utica psych hospital). He says that John Turney, a monomaniac, was choked with towels so severly that they had to blow in his mouth to restore consciousness. (How fucked up is that?) Being noisy one day while bathing, McMichael held his head unde...