Looking For A Job, If You Could Help.

Hello to all the great people out there. I've been unemployed since February of this year and my unemployment is about to run out. :-( I do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT want to resort in applying for welfare. It's a slap in the face when I have years of experience. 
I had over 10 years worth of experience with Data Entry, accounts receivable, administrative support, faxing, filing..all the fun stuff in the office world. I even have a few years worth of customer service experience under my belt. The one thing I'm missing is the "educational" degree. All I have is my GED.  Shouldn't my years of experience mean something?
It's tough being almost 40 years old and losing out on opportunities due to not having a degree. I was out of work from 2009 to 2013 due to a work related injury. Do employers look at that and judge me about that gap? Ever since I've been release back into the working world, I've only done temp jobs.

Please, I'm begging all the good folks out there! Anyone out there hiring, please give me a chance! I'm dependable and willing to relocate this time next year. If you're willing to allow me to remote access from home until my youngest graduates high school. I'll be more than happy to mop floors, clean toliets, anything legal,  of course. 
If you're not in the position to hire me, please share this post to someone who is. Thank you!! I have applied to so many places these last few months with no job lead. Any and all help would be great appreciated. Thanks one and all. Even with a share. :-)

Update!! I'm still looking for a job. I have an interview for a collections job this coming Tuesday, and I'm seriously having a panic attack. You have no idea how much anxiety I have when it comes to being in a call center environment.  Granted, it'll be better than welfare, but I foresee myself getting sick again due to stress. Why am I subjected to work sucky jobs?!? I'm going to be sick. Grr. 

Please help me!! Anyone out there! 


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