March 18, 1894 (More on George Felton)

As printed in the New York Times: 

Attendant Killeen Wants to Tell of Brutality in Buffalo State Hospital. 

BUFFALO, N.Y., March 17. - Attendant Michael Kileen declared today that he can, if the State Commission in Lunacy orders him to do so, reveal a terrible state of affairs in the Buffalo State Hospital. Irritated beyond endurance by the fact that his colleagues in the asylum are seeking to put on him all the blame for Patient Felton's death, he suddenly arose during the investigation and exclaimed:

"I wish the Commissioners would widen the scope of this investigation. I could then show that Flanagan, Maloney, and the other attendants who have attacked me did things a great deal worse than I did."

"What do you mean?" demanded Judge McMahon.

"If this was a general investigation I might say a great deal more," replied Killeen.

"Do you mean to say that you know of cases where patients have been maltreated by the attendants? Can you prove it, or is in mere hearsay?"

"Yes; I saw several fracases in Ward E," Killeen said hesitatingly. "Besides, there was the case of the patient Van Dorn, who, the police say, was taken to the hospital in good health, but who died shortly after in the hospital. It is hard on me to listen to all these charges of Maloney and Flanagan, when their treatment of patients was a great deal worse that mine." (Wonder if he's throwing them under the bus because he's in trouble, or this crap really happened)

The Commissioners decided that the investigation is not a general one, but told Killeen that if he would make charges against the hospital management and file a worn statement the would begin a rigid general investigation. (I haven't seen anything opening up after this. I'll have to dig deeper. But the hospital stayed open until 1974, so I doubt anything came of it.)

Claude Van Dorn, the patient referred to by Killeen, (another patient I'll have to find stuff about) was taken there, it is claimed, physically sound. In a week he died. (Yep, I'll have to dig deeper into Van Dorn. The Hospital has only been open for about 14 years at this point. I can't make this shit up.) Dr. Andrews says that he was injured when he came to the hospital. (Doubt it, Doctor.)

One of the Commissioners said today: "The hospital officials have shown themselves to be consummate perjurers during the investigations, and tales of brutality and ferocious cruelty have been told that will leave an indelible stain on the records of the institution."  (Screw the stain, try fixing the problem.)

It is unlikely that the Commissioners will hold another meeting in the Felton case. (sighs. God forbid the place is tarnished. People are getting hurt and dying under your care.)


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