September 6, 1905 - Is Man of Mystery
as published in the Duluth Evening Herald. IS MAN OF MYSTERY Middle-Aged Man Who Is of Interest to Physicians. Making Bread and Pastry In Buffalo Stat Hospital. Buffalo, NY, Sat. 6. - In the bakery of the Buffalo State Hospital is a middle-aged man who is ever a subject of interest to the physicians. He is usually active and goes about his work of making bread and pastry as intelligently as any expert professional baker who is credited with being rational. At times there appears upon his face and in his eyes, as he is bending over the kneading-board, or carrying pans to or from the ovens, an expression of abstraction, a faraway look as if his mind were straying back into a hazy past in search of something almost or quite gone from memory. Three months have elapsed since this man was found lying unconscious on a carriageway in Delaware Park, the supposed victim of footpad. Through the finding of a baker's union due-book, not far from where he lay - a discovery mad...