September 22, 1944 - State Hospital Conditions Dangerous
As publish in the Buffalo Courier Express State Hospital Conditions Dangerous, Union Declares Overcrowding of Patients, Manpower Lack Charged at Meeting to Seek Pay Increase Appalling conditions at the Buffalo State Hospital, the result of overcrowding and a lack of sufficient manpower, were charged last night as the State Hospital Local of the State, County and Municipal Works of America, CIO, met to demand immediate action for adjustment of employee wage scales. At an open meeting attended by legislators and labor and civic representatives, Andrew T Cummings, local president, declared the institution is such that "describing it as dangerous is treating the subject lightly." Says Staff Dwindling Because organized appeals during the last two years have not "even begun to bring a solution, or bring wages up to living standards for those employed here," Cummings said the hospital lacks 150 employees on its staff while the number of patients is 550 beyond ...